Jesse Wells is a Speedster - The Flash Season 3

Jesse Wells is a Speedster - The Flash Season 3

Jesse Quick

MEANWHILE, The Flash created a distortion in the timeline by saving his mother which subsequently changed the present scenario making various changes. Like Wells and Iris had some unresolved issues on some matters, Cisco's brother Dante' dismissal, Caitlin getting her "Killer Frost" powers(though she hasn't told to anyone) and Barry being unable to undo changes happened in the Timeline - things have become quite "messy" so to say. Still the bright side is Wells is returning and along with him he's bringing a surprise - no wonder most of us know what it is - JESSE WELLS IS A SPEEDSTER!!!
Going by the name of JESSE QUICK, she will probably help The Flash in some damnshit crime-fighting. With Vibe aka Cisco and Jesse Quick by his side its gonna be tough for crime to get away.

Taking a break from the Flashpoint-iness of the season’s first two episodes, “Magenta” ultimately felt a bit filler-ish, basically just reiterating Doctor Alchemy’s modus operandi, though (finally) bringing back Harrison Wells and his newly empowered daughter Jesse.
The new speedster news has Harry on edge, to the point that he repeatedly begs Team Flash members to talk his little girl out of wanting the hero life, while Wally is perturbed, to say the least, that his own brush with dark matter didn’t land him in the fast lane as well. Upon hearing how Jesse one day on Earth-two “jump-started” her powers, Wally goes so far as to put himself in harm’s way, only to have Jesse save him from becoming pavement pizza.

Meanwhile, a new meta is making mayhem — “Magenta” aka Frankie, the foster daughter of abusive John Kane. At Alchemy’s urging, Frankie’s power (to manipulate metal) surfaced, and she aimed to use it to snuff A) her foster dad and B) her mild-mannered personality. But when she went to drop a tanker (!) on the hospital inside which John (and Iris) had been entrapped, Barry heaped enough psychobabble at the troubled lass to avert disaster, while Jesse — with Harry’s blessing — sped to the scene to assist.

In the end (and after talking-tos from “Dad Cop” Joe, Jesse and then Barry), Wally seemed to be “OK” with his non-speedster status, while Harry had a heart-to-heart with his daughter about embracing her fate — how she has always been his “hero,” but now she can be one “for everyone else” as well. Dubbing her “Jesse Quick,” Harry ultimately gifts her with her own speedster suite c/o Cisco and Caitlin